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Q: How much sleep should a 11-year-old get?
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Did Justin Bieber really sleep with a 11yearold?

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is a christian. Christians are supposed to wait until they aremarried to sleep with people!!!!!!!!!! And he is not married. He is still single. So your question to if he slept with an 11 year old is NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How much hours should you sleep?

You should sleep 9 hours

how much should i sleep?

if you are a kid you should get 12 hours of sleep

Would it be wrong if a 11yearold boy daing a 12 year old girl?


How much sleep should someone get?

anywhere between 8 to 10 hours of sleep

How much sleep should a 47 year old have?

Around 8 hours of sleep.

"How much sleep should my dog have"?

8 hours

How do you get an image to be your computer background?

well you find the image you want then take your mouse click the right click and it should pop up the options go to set as background and it should do it welcome by kelsey garrrett 11yearold

How much sleep should a 16 year old get?

a lot of sleep like 10 hours

How much sleep should a man get?

The recommended amount of sleep for the average adult is eight hours.

How much rest should a pregnant women need?

Pregnant woman should get good sleep. She should normally get 8 hours sleep in night. She should get 2 hours sleep in afternoon. This helps to conserve calories, apart of other advantages of the sleep.

How much sleep should a athlete get?

9-10 hours