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2 feet...Under perfect weather conditions.

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Q: How much snow will keep plane from taking off?
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How can snow crash an airplane?

When snow accumulates on the wings of a plane, that causes two problems. First, the snow has weight, and there is only so much weight any plane can carry. Secondly, the snow alters the aerodynamics of the wing. Wings have a specific shape to produce the kind of airflow that keeps the plane up, and snow alters that shape.

How do animals keep snow out of their eyes?

Animals keep snow out of there eyes by blinking :)

How much does britney snow weigh?

Brittany Snow does not publicize her weight. Most women try to keep their weight a secret, because they may be embarrassed of the weight.

Will mitten be best for snow play?

Mittens are great for snow play. They are not as bulky as snow gloves and do not separate your fingers as much. You can purchase thermal mittens, which are great because they keep your fingers warm and dry!

Why does Jonas give gabe memories of snow when the plane flies overhead?

Jonas gives Gabe memories of snow when the plane flies overhead because he wants to comfort and distract Gabe from the loud noise of the plane. Snow is a calming and peaceful memory that helps Gabe feel safe and secure during a stressful situation.

How do you shovel all the snow off the drive in time on poptropica?

you have to be really fast but if you shovel to much snow it will get to heavy and you'll drop a bunch of snow and when you have a shovel full of snow you quickly bring the shovel over to the grass dump it and keep shoveling.

Can you keep snow in a refergator?

Yes, you can keep snow in a refrigerator. However, it will eventually melt as the temperature inside the refrigerator is not low enough to keep it frozen indefinitely.

How much snow is heavy snow?

when their is a foot of snow

What are snow pants?

They are water-resistant overalls that children or adults can wear in the snow to keep the snow from penetrating to their regular clothes.

What does clean snow melt more slowly than dirty snow?

because the dirt help keep the snow cold

What process is taking place when snow turns to liquid?

The answer is melting

How do you keep snow frozen?

shove it in a freezer