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Sunflowers generally prefer full sun for most of the day, but they will grow under most conditions short of full shade. If planning a garden with lower light levels, you may want to try dwarf sunflowers or sunflowers with a smaller head size, as they will do better than larger varieties.

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12y ago

Sunflowers are pretty low maintenance. Other than preparing the soil for planting, you generally only need to remember to water them.

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Q: How much soil do sunflowers need?
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How much drainage do sunflowers need?

Sunflowers like to have good drainage. If you add plenty of compost to the soil, this can help to break poorly drained soil up. Also, you can raise the bed where they are to grow to improve drainage.

What are a sunflowers adaptation?

the sun and soil rich soil

What materials do you need for planting a sunflower?

Simply scratch the soil surface to a depth of one half inch or so. Sew the seed about eight inches apart, then rake the soil over them lightly..They will sprout in a week or so, depending on rainfall..If it is a dry spell, water them once every few days.

Will sunflowers grow in milk?

No, sunflowers prefer to grow in well-manured soil.

What adaptations does a sunflowers have?

Sunflowers have adapted to a wide range of soil types and their roots may be as deep 1.5 meters into the ground. Sunflowers also move their stems so that the petals are coated in as much light as possible.

Is it possible for sunflowers to grow in sand?

Yes. Although sunflowers prefer soil that provides plenty of nutrients, they have been known to grown in sand. Ideally, however, they need richer soil, and sand is far from a healthy environment. Also, the conditions of the sand make a difference. Sunflowers cannot grow in a sandy desert, exposed to too much sun and wind, but they will grow - tentatively - in sheltered sandy positions.

How do sunflowers and pine trees reproduce?

Sunflowers= Brownish seeds blow off the flower in the wind and the seeds fall to the soil. Pine Trees= Pine cones expel seeds which fall to the soil.

Do any plants need a neutral pH soil?

Pomengranate grws in neutral soil along with celery

How much water does a sunflower need?

Sunflowers need .15 inches of water daily. Never water from overhead.

Are there any special nutrients for sunflowers?

No, the sunflower (Helianthus annuus) can grow just about anywhere as long as it has full sun (at least 6hr/day), well drained soil and they like to have mulch to conserve water and increase the organic content of the soil. They do like soil with a rich organic content. Some references say sunflowers prefer a limey soil, but I've grown them for years in an acidic location and they do just fine.

How much soil does a marigold need?

100 cups of soil

Will no soil kill the plant?

yes because a plant need soil but not a that much soil