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Sunflowers like to have good drainage. If you add plenty of compost to the soil, this can help to break poorly drained soil up. Also, you can raise the bed where they are to grow to improve drainage.

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Q: How much drainage do sunflowers need?
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How much water does a sunflower need?

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How much soil do sunflowers need?

Sunflowers generally prefer full sun for most of the day, but they will grow under most conditions short of full shade. If planning a garden with lower light levels, you may want to try dwarf sunflowers or sunflowers with a smaller head size, as they will do better than larger varieties.

How much does sunflower needs water?

Sunflowers need .15 inches of water daily. Never water from overhead.

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YES! that is why it is a sunflower

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sunlight everyday and water 2 or 3 times in a day good luck:)

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$1.79 at your local retail store

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Same as upstairs BUT LESS drainage piping BUT more vent piping.