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Q: How much space does resident evil 4 take up on ps3?
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When did Resident Evil 1 came out?

The original version was released in 1996, and takes place in 1996. However, when Resident Evil 2 and the Director's Cut of Resident Evil were released in 1998, the story was changed to take place in 1998.

How many MB does Resident Evil 5 take up?

This depends on what system you are playing on, and how far you are through the game. I would want at least 1.5gb of free space on a PS3.

Where can you see pictures for Resident Evil 6?

At the present moment, Resident Evil 6 hasn't even been made. Another thing is that I read on Wikipedia that will take Capcom another couple years to make another game. So, don't worry about Resident evil 6 until it starts showing up in gaming magazines like Gamepro.

What is a website when you want to take a quiz to see which resident evil character are you?

There are many. quibblo, quotev, quizfarm, etc.

What country does resident evil 5 take place in?

It is definitely in Europe, and I think Spain.

How long will it take to wait for barry's rope in resident evil ds?

It will take 31 seconds for him to get another rope. (Not long).

Who is the person in Resident Evil 4 and where does it take place?

The person who had rescued the daughter of the United States president is Leon Scott Kennedy and it take place in Spain Europe.

Is a resident evil 6 coming out?

Yes, it was first leaked when the voice actor for Albert Wesker (D.C. Douglas) when he asked people to annoy Capcom into hiring him for the voice of Wesker, I recently found out it is going to be named Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, it is a third-person shooter with online playability for Microsoft windows, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3, it will take place around the time of Resident Evil 2 and is currently scheduled for late 2011 release.

Who made the T virus?

The T-virus was created by Umbrella. It was initially made by James Marcus. After it was made, he was killed and William Birkin took over as the main researcher and scientist involved in the virus work. If you want more information I suggest you take a look at the resident evil wikia or playing Resident Evil 2. :]

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