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Deserts cover 33% of the land surface on earth.

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Q: How much space on earth do the deserts cover?
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How much space do deserts take up?

Deserts cover about 33% of the earth's land surface.

How much of the world's land space is taken by desert regions?

Deserts cover 33% (one third) of the earth's land surface is covered by deserts.

How much do the earth's land surface do deserts cover?

No, the desert covers a relatively small percentage of the total surface of the earth

How much of the world do all of the deserts take up?

Deserts cover about 33% of the land on earth.

Which has more land - deserts or rainforests?

Deserts cover much more of the earth's surface than do rainforests.

How much land do deserts take up all over the world?

Deserts cover about 33% of the land surface on earth.

How much of the Earths land surface do plains regions cover?

Deserts cover 33% of the land surface of the earth.

Is the desert the hottest place on earth?

Not all deserts are hot. Some deserts are cold. Antarctica, for example, is technically mostly a desert. Deserts tend to have more extreme temperatures because they don't have much cloud cover. That means during the daytime, they get more sun, and at night, there's no cloud cover to reflect warmth back downward, so a lot of it escapes into space.

How much of the Earth does the desert biome occupy?

Deserts, by definition, cover 14% of the earth's land area. Non-arable land, however, makes up a large percentage.

How much of our world do deserts cover?

almost a third of the world are deserts!

How much of Earth's surface is covered by one desert land?

There is no single desert that covers the earth. There are about 28 major deserts that, combined, cover about 1/3 of the earth's land area.

How much of the earth's surface is desert?

Deserts account for 33-35% of the earth's land surface.