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Q: How much space should there be between you and the air bag?
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What is the difference between air space management and air traffic management?

The phrase should be air space containment it means to keep area used for air traffic clear of intrusion and the other phrase should be air traffic control which is managing the air traffic in the air space containment area to avoid collisions and other dangerous incidents whether accidental or intentional

What is between air particales?

Air particales are packed very tightly together, so there is little space, BUT, just like in outer space, there is pretty much nothing in between particales. It is void. That is why there is no sound in space, there are no atoms for the sound waves to travel over

What would happen if air got into the pleural space between two pleural membranes?

The two pleural membranes should be touching. If air creates a space between them the air will push the lung down and prevent it from filling with air. This is known as a collapsed lung, or pneumothorax. The air between the pleural membranes must be removed to reinflate the lung.

Can you top up beet wine in the carboy that has about 4 inches of air space between wine and air lock?

Yes and you should air will kill your wine.

In a vehicle equipped with an air bag how much space should there be between your chest and the centre of the steering wheel?

There is no set distance ! It depends on the physical form of the driver - as to the position of the seat, creating a comfortable driving position. Air bags are large enough to almost fill the space the driver occupies.

Is there any difference between air and space?

air (oxygen) does not exist in space. that's why astronauts have suits with oxygen tanks.

Which type of air would you expect to have more space between air molecules?

Warmer Air does this.

How many inches of space does the air bag need to inflate?

space between is 25cm

Does dead air space provide insulation?

As you should know, the purpose of insulation is to create dead air space. DEAD air does not transfer temperatures.

Can air crush?

Yes it can. Depending on the range of air pressure between earth and space