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Q: How much space would take up if i wanted to make it work offline?
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Why would you need to garden in space?

If people wanted to travel in space for long periods of time, then they would either have to take a lot of food, which would cost loads of money to launch into space, or they would have to grow food.

How are offset outdoor umbrellas stored off-season?

I would imagine that it is as difficult to store as a regular patio umbrella. You would need a great deal of horizontal storage space if you wanted to store it on the ground, or vertical storage space if you wanted to store it upright.

What do you say to a guy who wanted space then later says he misses you?

I personally would tell him that he should have thought about that before he decided to want his space, depending on what is actually meant by space.

How much space would be needed to make a small observatory?

If someone wanted to make a small observatory, they would need an extreme amount of space. Someone who wanted to build an observatory, either on top of a hill or on flat land, would need thousands of square feet and a big open area.

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How do you remove offline webpages?

Hi, For Internet Explorer:- Go File ---> Select Work offline. if workoffline is ticked you are in offline otherwise it would be in online. For firefox it is same.

If you wanted to find iron and sulfur on the moon where would you look?

You would look at random space junk floating around the moon

Where would you go if you wanted to see the north and south pole at the sametime?

The only way you could do that is to travel into space.

Why did America think it was so important for them to win the space race?

America wanted to be THE super power of the world. And it saw that winning the space race would deliver them that title.

According to Hilter's plan eastern Europe would become a living space for who?

Hitler's plan was to conquer 'living space' for Germans in Eastern Europe. He wanted Jews out from the Eastern Europe and he also wanted the Slav population reduced. NO ACTUALLY HE WANTED LIVING SPACE FOR THE ARYAN RACE.

What is offline system?

An offline system is one that is not connected to any network. If it has access to the internet or can transfer data to another computer it isn't "offline". Alternatively, it "offline" could be used to describe a computer that is non-functional. When a computer becomes non-functional, it would certainly not be accessible from any network and would look the same as one that was disconnected as far as other nodes in the network were concerned.

Why is it called the Space Needle?

The space needle was build in the 1940's for the world fair. The theme of the fair was the future. The person that build the needle wanted to make some thing that would make people of space. So he named it the space needle.