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It has been proven that if all of your calories are in the form of sugar, you can still lose weight if it is under a calorie limit - 1200 calories for example. A person can have a twinkie for breakfast, chocolate milk for lunch with a pack of Oreos, and then maybe a fudge brownie for dessert. Brownies vary in calorie count though, so don't take this advice to heart.

It's advised to have your limit to one sweet treat a day, like a cookie or sugar in your cereal. A lot of people go into shock when they try to eat that much less sugar because sugar is in everything - fruit, pasta, yogurt, lots of stuff. You have to cut your sugar intake by half and if you can handle that, cut it until your diet consists of about 10% intentional sugar intake! (ex. cookie is intentional, apple slice non intentional.)

On a calorie limit of 1200, 120 is 10%. That's enough for one nice (small, not large) chocolate chip cookie.

:).d usage of honey is preferable.

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14y ago

First you should check your grammar (LOSE) weight. Next no you do not have to limit sugar in fruit. The sugar in fruit helps get you running, and gives you energy. To lose weight you need to limit your calorie intake. Burn more calories than you eat. *Walk 2000 more steps a day and never gain another pound. THAT HAS BEEN PROVEN.

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Is a low sugar diet a good way to lose weight?

I can highly recommend a low sugar diet. This is not so much a diet plan as more a change of lifestyle, but never the less, by reducing your sugar intake dramatically, you will lose weight, and very quickly during the first few weeks. Better still, it is pretty easy to maintain.

I am 5'5 and 111 how much weight could I lose and still be healthy?

Do not lose any weight , you are already UNDERWEIGHT for your height, this is NOT healthy.

Can you really lose weight on a not sugar diet?

Yes you can lose weight on a no-sugar diet. foods with refined sugars have calories but do not have as much nutrients as foods with natural sugars like fruits do. Having a no-sugar diet along with a healthy eating habit will not only help you lose weight but also keeps you healthy and is a great preventive measure.

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Much faster. Sugar and Soda may taste good but are only empty calories.

Do sugar free products help you lose weight or maintain a healthy diet?

they can definitely help because sugar is really not good for you, but you have to cut out much more things if you want to lose weight. It does help you maintain a healthy diet though.

How much weight can you lose weekly by starvation?

Dont eat nothing! You can lose lots of weight if you eat a couple of almonds, some celery, some wattermelon, water and sugar and excersizing alot.

Can you drink wine and still lose weight?

Alcoholic beverages are high in calories, if you drink those it will be hard for you to stay within the allowed calorie budget required to lose weight. But sure, as long as it fits in your calorie budget you can have pretty much whatever and still lose weight.

Lose Weight With A No Sugar Diet?

Still struggling to lose weight? Maybe you need to try out a no sugar diet. The problem with having sugar in your daily food intake is it slows down your digestive system. As a result, your body has a higher tendency to store fat, which prevents you from losing the weight you should. Even a lot of exercising can produce minimal results if you digest foods with too much sugar. Without sugar in your foods, you'll start to notice results - your weight will go down, you'll start feeling better throughout the day, and you'll be less reliant on caffeine to get through your day.

How much weight can you lose running for an hour everyday and eating right?

one hour everyday is too much. 30 mints to 45 at max will make you lose a bout a pound every 5 days provided that you don't take in sugar.. quit sugar and you will lose fat a lot faster..

What is the fastest way to lose weight in two to three weeks?

It takes time to lose weight. First thing to do you must avoid food that contains too much sugar and salt. Drink eight glasses of water.

Starving yourself to lose weight?

Not eating when you are hungry is a tough way to lose weight, not to mention it is more likely to be unhealthy for you. Try eating small portions of low sugar foods, and eat only when you ARE hungry. Taking a low sugar approach to losing weight is a much healthier option, which really works. Do some research and learn more about the pitfalls of sugar in our diet.

I am a 5'5 and 111 lb female how much weight could I lose and still be healthy?

You are already UNDERWEIGHT, for your height, so do not lose any more weight because you will look anorexic.