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Q: How much sugar is in a packet of McCoys?
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How much fat is in one packet of oatmeal?

depends on how much sugar is in the packet

How many calories sugar packet?

Sugar has 1g of carbs per 1g of sugar. A packet of sugar can have from 2-4g of sugar so the carb count is between 2g and 4g per packet. Supposedly some Europian countries can have up to 10g of sugar per packet.

How much is a packet of fair trade sugar?

20 g

How much does a standard sugar packet weigh?

4 grams

How much sugar is in one biscuit?

The sugar packet that I just weighted, 2.64 grams was sugar.

How much sugar is in a packet of crisps?

In most cases crisps have no sugar, they are typically salted. Some flavor versions do have sugar added.

Is 'a packet of sugar material noun?

No, 'a packet of sugar' is a noun phrase. The noun 'sugar' is a material noun, a word for something that other things are made from.

How many carbs are in one sugar packet?

there is no set answer. it all depends on which sugar packet you are talking about, there are all different kinds of sugar and different packets.

What do you call a small packet of sugar?

One packet of real sugar has 15 calories in it.

How many grams of sugar are a dominos sugar packet?

Depends; 3-6 is common, but there is no standard. The USDA website lists 2.8. E.g. "Sugar in the Raw" advertises 5g/packet. Domino brand sugar packets advertise 4g/packet.

How many teaspoons are in a packet of sugar?

A standard sugar packet, or sugar substitute, is equal two teaspoons of sugarHowever, How_many_teaspoons_are_in_a_packet_of_sugarclaims, "Sugar packets may be anywhere from 2-6 grams. There are 4.2 g granulated sugar per teaspoon according to the USDA website, so there may be 0.5 to 1.5 teaspoons of sugar per packet."And the Domino Sugar website states, "1 packet = 1 teaspoon"

How many grams of sugar are in a packet of Splenda?

Sugar has 1g of carbs per 1g of sugar. A packet of sugar can have from 2-4g of sugar so the carb count is between 2g and 4g per packet. Supposedly some Europian countries can have up to 10g of sugar per packet.