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The answer to this question depends upon what plant has been used for the bonsai, so there is no one correct answer. Many different plants may be used for bonsai. Generally however, it is safe to say avoid direct sunlight. Bright, indirect lighting is sufficient. The bonsai plant is not in a natural environment nor in best growing conditions. Due to the very confined pot which stunts the plant, bonsai need more attention than other houseplants, with careful attention to both watering and lighting. The stunted environment in itself causes some stress to the plant . Direct light may actually cause the plant more stress and may cause the plant to dry quickly and excessively. As far as watering, try this: submerge pot (only if with drainage holes) in lukewarm water up to the top of the container. Allow to soak submerged until bubbling stops (just a few minutes). Remove the pot and drain then redisplay. Watering in this way allows the plant to soak up only what it needs, and excess is drained away. Repeat when soil a 1/2" below the surface feels dry. You'll actually water less often this way. All good bonsai should be in pots with drainage holes. If you have one without drainage holes, consider re-potting. Until then, water frequently and lightly. Over watering kills more bonsai plants than does anything else.

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Not direct sunlight. Light shade is best...

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Q: How much sun does bonsai tree need?
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Can outdoor bonsai be grown inside?

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What do you do if your bonsai is dying?

1. You have to identify, why your bonsai is dying. Is it caused by pests, over watering, under watering or not enough sun (these are the most common problems) 2. You try to revive it according to a problem your tree faces. Read the links I attached bellow.

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water, carbon dioxide, and the sun, not much else... hope that helped! (:

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How often should a bonsai be watered?

Trees in the ground are able to reach down deep into the soil and far from the trunk to reach available water. The roots are also protected from drying out fast by the soil and any ground cover such as lawn over them. Bonsai are in shallow pots, with fast-draining but moisture retentive soil. Watering cannot be done on a schedule, every tree, the soil, root condition and weather affect them, but if a bonsai is watered every other day in spring it may need to be watered 2-3 times a day in the summer sun. Many yard trees never need watering except in a drought.

Why do the leaves on your indoor bonsai tree turn brown?

you have to have the right amount of sun as their would be in a normal day outside. be sure not to over water the bonsai but water it daily if it is dry. Also consider repoting in a bigger pot or you could use a mixture of small pebbles on the bottom and dirt on the top so the root system doesn't clog up

What can you make with a flower in doodle god?

To make a sun flower, you need flower + sun. To make an apple, you need flower + tree. THATS IT ;D

Can you grow a juniper bonsai tree indoors?

Definitely not. This is a common mistake that many people and beginners I know or have seen before make. Juniper trees are an evergreen plant, (Never lose their leaves, keep them the whole year.) and under the type of plant conifers (Spiky, needle or pointy like foliage growing plants that have cones that contain their seeds. They only start getting cones once they are old enough and big enough) so they are to NEVER be put inside. Make sure you put them in a place with full sun, water regularly(Only when the soil is dry.) but even when the hottest weather comes, like 35 or 40 degrees Celsius, you will need to protect these hardy, tough plants. Because no plants are scorching heat immortal, even the toughest plants around.

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