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Obviously, tax isn't deductible from determining the income that is taxable, for the same tax involved. There is no limit to the amounts. Generally: Federal - State (and city) income taxes and property taxes, (and under a new rule some sales taxes if your in a state without property tax), and of course a plethora of the payroll type taxes may or may not be currently includable in determing Federal taxable income. State Income taxes do not allow their own State (and sometimes other States) taxes to be deducted...essentially you add them back to your Federal Taxable Income. They may also consider some things like Unemployment Ins payments (and other payroll taxes) differently than the Feds. Also generally, to be currently deductible, the tax must have been paid to the jurisdiction, not just what you expect to pay.

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Q: How much tax if any can you deduct on your federal and or state income tax?
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How much does each state pay in Federal income taxes?

as much as they wont.... =)

How much of a donation can be deducted from income tax?

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How much federal and state tax should you have taken out of your pension check you are married the amount of your check is 1100.00?

If your pension is your and your spouse's only income, Federal, 10%. Many States do not tax retirement income - you will need to check with your State.

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I had to pay money to state and federal last year. Can that money be claimed on this years taxes?

how much is $60 add tax You can deduct the 2009 State Taxes you paid in 2010 on Schedule A (if you itemize). Federal tax payments are not deductible according to the IRS Website

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What states have federal income tax?

It is much easier to tell you the states that do not have a personal income tax. Currently in 2009 seven states (Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming) do not tax personal income

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The form you fill out before you start a job that will determine how much money is withheld from your paycheck for federal and state income taxes.

How long does it take to receive your federal income tax return?

The amount of time it takes to receive your federal income tax return varies from state to state and depends on the first letter of your last name. It also depends how much time it takes the government to asses your paper work. In general it can take as little as two weeks to as much as two months.

How much federal tax and IL state Tax for 500 dollars extra income?

13% x 500 would be $65 does that sound right to you.

You withdrew 11000.00 from your 401k and paid a 10 penalty how much more will you owe?

State & Federal income taxes on $11,000 in the year the distribution was taken.