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It is less thick.

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Q: How much thicker is the stratosphere compared to the troposphere?
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How does ozone in the troposphere differ from ozone in the stratosphere?

In the troposphere, plants and animals can be harmed, but in the stratosphere, there is no life because in the troposphere is closest to earth n the air u breath is part of the troposphere. and in the stratosphere the air can affect your lungs

Can helicopters fly in the stratosphere?

No, Helicopters cannot fly in Stratosphere. It is too high for them. They do not produce that much lift. But they can fly in the Troposphere.

What is the stratoshere?

The stratosphere is the layer above the troposphere (where we live). The ozone layer is found in the lower stratosphere. The stratosphere is the lowest layer where temperature increases with increasing altitude.

Why does the stratosphere have less oxygen than the troposphere?

We know that oxygen is just a bit heavier than the air like carbon dioxide ,nitrogen etc.Besides that the main source of oxygen,the trees is in troposphere. Because of this reasons oxygen density is much heavier in troposphere than the stratosphere

Why is ozone harmful in troposphere?

There is normally no life that breathes in the stratosphere. In the troposphere, both plants and animals suffer when significant amounts of ozone are present.

The ozone exists in which layers of the atmosphere?

This is the stratosphere. There is also ozone in the lower troposphere, but the ozone layer in the stratosphere contains helpful ozone that blocks much of the ultraviolet radiation. Without this layer, life on earth would be very difficult.

Are temperatures in the stratosphere warm?

No, they are colder than nearly anywhere on Earth's surface. They do tend to increase as you go up in the Stratosphere however, unlike in the Troposphere. This is because ozone in the Stratosphere absorbs solar radiation, but even this does not permit very much warming at all.

Why don't airplanes fly in the troposphere?

Airplanes dont fly in the stratosphere because they produce too much sound. This may cause noise pollution and stress among people who are on the ground. So they dont fly in the Troposphere.

Which layer contains the ozone layer and what does it do?

This is the stratosphere. There is also ozone in the lower troposphere, but the ozone layer in the stratosphere contains helpful ozone that blocks much of the ultraviolet radiation. Without this layer, life on earth would be very difficult.

The contains most of the ozone of the atmosphere?

Stratosphere. The troposphere contains some as well at the surface, but not as much., Stratospheric ozone helps keep ultraviolet radiation out, which is harmful to life.

The atmospheric layer that contains the most ozone?

This is the stratosphere. There is also ozone in the lower troposphere, but the ozone layer in the stratosphere contains helpful ozone that blocks much of the ultraviolet radiation. Without this layer, life on earth would be very difficult.

Ozone is dangerous in which layer of atmosphere?

Ozone is found in all layers of the atmosphere. It is a minimum value at the extremes of the exosphere, and the bottom of the troposphere (where it is called a pollutant), with a peak value in the lower stratosphere. Ozone concentrations in excess of 0.05ppm in the lower troposphere is dangerous to people with asthma, and much above this, damages plants as well.