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Forever. The bodies organs will not be working so they cannot process the alcohol or other toxins. Trace elements can be found for years to come afterward.

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Q: How much time alcohol will be remain in the body after death?
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How long does alcohol remain in your body?

It depends on how much you drank your weight and your height. I would suggest just don't drink it.

As the body tissues consume alcohol what happens?

The body cells become dependent on the alcohol, which is why too much alcohol consumption is considered an addiction. Cirrosis, or liver scarring, can occur in the liver tissues. This can result in liver failure and death.

How can alcohol cause death?

At extremely high levels the alcohol bodily functions slow too much for the body to live. That 's why it is essential to obtain medical help if alcohol poisoning is even suspected.

What part of your body alcohol does not affects?

alcohol affects every organ in your body; that's if you have too much.

What is the worst alcohol can do to the body?

Alcohol poisoning can cause the brain to swell and result in death and brain damage. People that drink too much are much more likely to have fatal accidents, both in vehicles and around the home. There was even a case where a girl drank too much and fell out of bed and out the window to her death. Long term alcohol use can lead to permanent damage to the internal organs, particularly the liver.

How much blood alcohol level in 1 pint of beer?

It depends on your body weight and a variety of other factors. General rule is that a beer has as much alcohol as a shot or a glass of wine and it takes your body about an hour to metabolize that much alcohol.

How long does alcohol stay in your body?

It depends on how much you have had. Your body gets rid of one unit of alcohol per hour

What organs of the body are most affected by too much alcohol?

liver. too much alcohol damages the liver. if too much damage is done. the whole body may start to detoriate.

How do kids die for alcohol poisoning?

There body takes in too much alcohol for them to handle. The alcohol poisons the blood leading to alcohol poisoning.

The effect too much alcohol have on your body?

what effects can happen from alcohol abuse after several years?

How does mixing alcohol and any type of pills cause death as in how does it effect the body in a way that causes you to die?

Usually death occurs because of hypoxia - this is when the lungs are not taking in enough air to properly oxygenate the body. Certain drugs with the addition of alcohol will depress the breathing center in the brain so much that this occurs, and the level at which it can occurs varies with different people.

What will happen to your body if drink alcohol to much?

You will become intoxicated.