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give him 3 monthes...he'll come to just happen to will be hard but dont push...

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Q: How much time do you need to give an ex boyfriend to talk to you?
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it seems as you have to much going on.. relaxe thankx rkhan101

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A) he has many friends or B) u need a new boyfriend

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Dont forget him. You need to talk to him, tell him how you feel about how he is treating you. :)

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Talk to him and make sure you don't leave him or give up talking to him. He will like it when you comfort him. Just chat to him, you don't need to give him extra special treatment.

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You need to talk. How do you know he is your boyfriend if you aren't talking? I hope you are having one to one conversations since the phone or texting isn't working. You need to find out what he is interested in to get him talking.

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give him compliments when he did something good. Don't be a showed off and never talk about urself too much or else he will get sick of you

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He sounds like a quiet boy, but yes he can truly love you

What do you do if your boyfriend is always at work and you never get to talk to him When you do talk to him you talk so sweet to him about how much you miss him and it frustrates him?

You kiss him with raspberry