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Q: How much time does it take for to travel from your eye to your eye through the brain and then to your hand?
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Air can travel through some kinds of solids, if they are porous. Otherwise it can't. It can travel through liquids in the form of bubbles. It does not exactly travel through gases so much as mix with them.

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The cost to travel in tolls to travel through Missouri will vary depending on the starting point. The state of Missouri has over 30 tolls.

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Light travels much faster than sound, through wood.

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As sound is a mechanical wave (unlike light, an electromagnetic wave), it requires a medium in which to travel, therefore, it cannot travel through a vacuum.

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Before electricity, the most advanced form of travel was the horse and buggy. Now, we are able to travel through the air and through the sea at much greater speeds

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How much blood flows through the human brain per minute?

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They did not interact with him very much What would you expect the autopsies to show?

John's brain would have many more dendrites and connections all through the brain.

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2hr 20mins

Why are neurones insulated?

It allows the electrical impulse to travel through it much more quickly