

How much time mercury takes to compelet an orbit?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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It takes Mercury about 88 earth days to orbit the Sun once.

Mercury is a very slow turner, though. It spins one time on its own axis every 176 days, more or less. That means that Mercury has one complete day every two orbits of the Sun. If you were standing on Mercury (well, better use a remote TV camera, or your burnt ashes will get to minus 300 degrees, F.) you would see the Sun slowly rise into the sky in the morning, then reverse course and slowly go back where it came from.

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Q: How much time mercury takes to compelet an orbit?
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How much time does Mercury to orbit the sun?

jus research it online you might find an answer

How much time does it takes for mercury to orbit the sun?

Mercury has an orbital period of 87.969 days. This means that it will take about 88 days here on Earth for Mercury to travel around the Sun once. Since a year is 365.25 days long, it only take 0.24 years for Mercury to revolve around the Sun.

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