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Q: How much time takes to Mars circle its own axis?
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How much time Earth takes to circle its own axis?

Earth's cycle of axis precession takes 26,000 years.

How much time does Mars take to revolve once on its axis?

Mars revolves on its axis once in 24.6229 hours.

How much is Mars tilted on it's axis?

25.2 degrees

How much does a day on mars take?

It takes about one earth day on mars. My estimate is probably 24 and a half hours in a day. A year takes about 687 earth days on mars.

How many days does Mars have?

It takes nearly twice as much time for Mars to get around the Sun than Earth. In Earth days, it takes Mars 686.980 days to make the same orbit.

How many Earth Days does MArs Have?

It takes nearly twice as much time for Mars to get around the Sun than Earth. In Earth days, it takes Mars 686.980 days to make the same orbit.

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How much time do mars takes to rotate?

24.6 Earth Hours

How much it takes Mars to orbit the sun?

Approx 687 days.

How much time takes for Pluto to revolve around it axis?

248 years

Day length on mars?

A day on Mars is not much longer at all than on Earth. It takes 24 hours and 40 minutes for a day to pass on Mars.

How much time does it takes earth to rotate on its axis?

53 hours with 56 minutes