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I would start by placeing the five pound bag at the bottom of the cage marking the height of the seed, carefully remove the bag as not to puncture it. Mark your calander,When droppings begin to reach the height mark it may be time to purchase another bag. Check your calander an wala.

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Q: How much time would it take a full-grown cockatiel to consume a five-pound bag of bird seed?
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Should you buy a 5 year lutino cockatiel or a baby cockatiel?

I would recommend you buy a baby cockatiel. That way it would be more likely to bond with you.

Would a budgie and a cockatiel do well together w?

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The spaces between the bars are probably too wide for a cockatiel. It would be able to get through them.

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Well, it depends on if the cockatiel is willing to raise the egg that is obviously not it's egg. If it is, then the bluebird chick will learn how to live life as a cockatiel. The bluebird will never have a crest, but it will learn the cockatiel's language as it's own and think it is a cockatiel because that is the type of bird it is living with. However, if you had a wild cockatiel and you set a bluebird egg in with the other eggs, the cockatiel would reject the eggs because they do not look right or smell right, and would drop the egg out of the nest. I hope that answered your question. :) - Emily Sage

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He should be around 6 pounds, to 8 pounds.

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Cockatiels preen each other. This may appear as though thy are pecking at each other's heads.

Why is your cockatiel not very tame?

Cockatiels are wild birds so if they were never tamed when they were young, they will still be untame. It is easier to tame a young cockatiel, however with the right attitude, you can tame an adult cockatiel. You have to start with trust. Taming a cockatiel take a while and one wrong move could ruin all your work. Start with standing next to the cage and talking to your bird. Do this for about a week so your cockatiel gets to know your voice and is calmer around you. Then you could try putting a fresh vegetable (in your hand) next to the cockatiel and hold it there. Don't force the cockatiel to get closer to your hand - this will scare him/her. You need to earn trust. Eventually, your cockatiel will be comfortable with you having your hand near him/her. If you cockatiel is comfortable to actually eat from your hand, you can try picking it up. Do not grab our cockatiel on its back, try to persuade him/her to sit on your finger. Do not force your cockatiel to get onto your hand. This will ruin the trust. Eventually your cockatiel will be ready to sit on your finger and eventually your shoulder! It's all about trust and if you're cockatiel trusts you, it would love to sit on your shoulder!

A sentence using consume?

She would consume everything she touches.

What most common bird is the?

for a pet bird, i would probably say that it would be a cockatiel or a parakeet

Can cockatiels die after laying an egg?

No the cockatiel should not be seperated from his or her mate after eggs have been laid. This should only occur if the male is aggressive to live and viable eggs. Visit cockatiel cottage for more info.

Do ants consume lizards?

no they don't the ant would be to small to consume lizerds

Why do cockatiel birds sit with their back to you?

It means it's frightened. A cockatiel sitting with its back to you is not usually frightened, as a frightened bird is more likely to flap and cower in a corner, keeping its eyes on you, rather than turning its back to you, which would render it vulnerable to predation. If a cockatiel sits with its back to you, it can mean the bird is distressed or ill. It can also mean the bird is, quite simply, sulking. Cockatiels bond strongly to their owners, and if a new pet is introduced, or something unusual happens in the household, a cockatiel will sometimes react in a seemingly human way - by sulking.