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Q: How much toxic pollution is released from landfills?
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How do sanitary landfills limit the amount of pollution?

Landfills use chemicals to break down material but pollution is based really on how much we see. So landfills solve the problem by putting our garbage in places that are useless for anything else.

What are you doing to stop soil pollution?

I am not doing very much. I do recycle so I contribute less waste to landfills... I guess that's something.

What can the textile industry do to prevent pollution?

The textile industry can embrace the use of renewable energy sources as a way of preventing pollution. It can also dispose of toxic wastes much more carefully.

How much space do styrofoam cups take up in landfills?

Styrofoam cups do not biodegrade and take up a significant amount of space in landfills due to their low density and slow decomposition rate. This can lead to environmental concerns like leaching of toxic chemicals into the soil and water. Recycling or using alternative materials can help reduce the amount of styrofoam waste in landfills.

How does landfills help the environment?

Landfills can help the environment by providing a way to safely contain and manage waste, preventing pollution of surrounding areas. They can also capture and convert methane gas produced by decomposing waste into energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Properly managed landfills use liners and monitoring systems to protect soil and water quality.

Who or what was affected by landfills?

Pretty much everyone.

How much land is covered in landfills?

About .02%

How much garbage in landfills is paper?


How much paper ends up in landfills?


How much glass is in America's landfills?

9000000000 liters

How much whales die each year from pollution?

It is difficult to determine an exact number of whales that die from pollution each year. Pollution can cause harm to whales through ingestion of plastic, entanglement in debris, and exposure to toxic chemicals. Conservation efforts are focused on reducing pollution to protect whale populations.

How much do landfills cost?

A Godamn Lot !!!!! A Fair bit!!!!!!