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Q: How much trash is thrown an average per person in a year?
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How much trash does the average person thrown away in a week?

About 67 pieces and usually more. This is why many countries are having major recycling initiatives.


On the site, it states that 1 million pounds of trash is thrown away per person every year.

How much trash does an average person accumulate in a week?

about 30.1 pounds

How much trash gets thrown a way a year?

more than i can count

How much rubbish gets thrown in the sea each year?

over 14 billion pounds, between waste and trash.

How much trash do you save when you recycle?

I don't save any of it; it all gets thrown away.

Why might raccoons hunt in the trash not the forest?

Raccoons are opportunistic feeders. They look for the greatest benefit with the least amount of work. It is much easier to find food in the trash and requires less effort than foraging for food in the forest.

How much trash do you produce in a day?

5lbs per person per day

How much trash does one person produce per day?

Amount of Garbage That Humans Make AnnuallyEnough to cover Texas twice. This also fills enough trucks to form a line to the moon. Each American makes about 4 pounds of garbage daily. If the rest of the world were as wasteful as Americans... there would be about 10 MILLION tons daily... 4 TRILLION tons yearly!

The plants on plant tycoon are dead what do you do?

Right next to the box that says how much money there is there should be a trash can. Click on the dead plant and then click on the trash can. It will ask if you want to delete the plant and click yes. Then your dead plant is thrown away.

How much trash does the average person recycle?

In high-income societies each person throws away on average about 4-5 pounds (2 kg) a day.

How much garbage is thrown away daily?

Well it is thought a family throws away £600 on food a year.