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Q: How much vacation time do people get in middle east?
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Where does the US get much of it oil from?

the Middle East

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Where does the United states get much of its oil from?

Middle East

What physical feature covers much of the Middle East?

Deserts cover much of the land in the Middle East.

How much money do people in the middle east make?

they make 5000 dollars a year?

What role did the mandate system have in the Middle East?

France and Great Britain took control of much of the Middle East.

What physical feature covers most of the Middle East?

Deserts cover much of the Middle East. Lebanon is the only Middle East country with no deserts.

What role did the mandate have in the Middle East?

France and Great Britain took control of much of the Middle East.

Where does US get much of its oil from?

the Middle East

How did Islam affect the middle ages?

It affected Much of the middle east and india.

How much freshwater was used in the the middle east?


What are some cultures of the Middle East?

The family group governs people's lives much more than other social groups.