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Q: How much vater vapour do you exhale?
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Do people only exhale CO2 and water vapour?


When you exhale what do you eliminate?

Carbon dioxide and water vapour

Why humans exhale more water vapour than they inspire?

Humans exhale more water vapour than they inhale because water vapour is a product of respiration which means that your body creates it so has more to get rid of.

What 2 compounds do you exhale?

Carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) and Water vapour ( H2O ) .

When you exhale you breathe plus carbon dioxide?

On exhaling carbon dioxide is breathed out along with water vapour.

When you exhale you breathe this plus co2?

Trace amounts of water vapour are also exhaled, alongside the carbon dioxide.

Which two gases are which you exhale more than inhale?

Carbon dioxide and water vapour.

What is occurring when you can see your breath on cold days?

The air that you exhale contains water vapour. When you exhale during a cold day, the relative humidity increases. Relative humidity is actually the percentage of the amount of water vapour in the air.(the maximum amount of water vapour that the air can hold at that temperature) The colder the air, the less water vapour it can carry. When exhaled, air mixes with cold air, the temperature of the exhaled air drops, but there is more water vapour. When the air becomes saturated, (relative humidity is 100%), the extra water vapour will condense, allowing you to see your breathe on cold days.

What part of speech is the word smoke?

The word smoke can be a noun and a verb.The noun form is the visible vapour given off from burning materials.The verb form means to inhale and exhale tobacco.

Why exhaled air has more water vapour?

No. The exhaled air contents more water vapour. The exhaled air is almost saturated with water vapour.

Why is the percentage of nitrogen inhale and exhale the same?

The percentage of nitrogen remains the same as the amount of oxygen that was used was replaced by the water vapour and carbon dioxide

Do humans exhale more than CO2?

Yes - moisture, nitrogen, alcohol vapour and any other volatile compound that happens to be in the blood or in the air that is breathed in.