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you should drink about 3 to 6 cups of water to stay skinny

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Q: How much water do you have to drink to stay skinny?
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Why drink so much water?

It is important to drink water to keep hydrated. The human body is mostly water, so it is necessary to drink enough water to stay healthy.

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How much water is most likely to drink after soccer practice?

Samuel should drink plenty of water during and after soccer practice. Gotta stay hydrated!

Does metabolism affect how long THC stays in your system?

yes, if your metabolism is fast and you are skinny THC will stay in your system as short as 1 day, as long as you drink lots and lots of water(;

Is water a drink?

yes you can and you must to stay alive. Even if you dont drink it direct as pure water it is in much of your food and other things you may drink.

How much water is Samuel most likely to drink after soccer practis?

Samuel should drink plenty of water during and after soccer practice. Gotta stay hydrated!

How much water should I drink everyday?

You should drink enough water in order to stay hydrated so you will not faint or face any discomforts. I suggest you to drink atleast 1 gallon of water per day.

How much water to drink after drinking a soda?

4 cups of water after every cup of coffee, to stay hydrated

If you weigh 204 how much water should you drink?

The formula for figuring out how much water a person should drink is your body weight divided by two. So a person weighing 204 pounds needs to drink at least 102 ounces of water a day to stay hydrated.

How long will marijuana stay in your system if you are very skinny with fast metabolism?

it really depends.bud stays in your system anywhere from 3 days to 90 days. it is mainly stored in fat cells so obviously the fatter you are the longer it will stay in there. you if your skinny with a fast metabolism if you drink alot of water and cranberry juice it should be out between 17 and 24 days hope this helps

Is it true that you have to drink water while on a submarine?

You have to drink something to stay alive (anywhere).

How much do adult elephants drink water?

Elephants drink a lot of water. They can suck up around 15 litres of water in their trunk in one go. During hot summers they can drink around 100 litres or more water in one sitting. They usually stay close to water sources like lakes and rivers and drink once or twice a day.