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Q: How much water does a cactus absorb in a year?
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Why cactus store water?

Quite simple, cactus live in areas where it rains only a few times a year, so it stores as much water as possible so it can survive in the desert

How do roots of a cactus adapt to live in the desert?

The roots to a cactus are long thick and go very wide and deep. When it rains the roots absorb the water and store it in its leaves. The cactus doesnt need a lot of water. A couple drops a year will keep it alive. Its leaves are protected with spines.

How much water do cactuses hold?

cactus's need minimal water and if you under or over water the can die. you should water a cactus once every 8 to 9 days if 60 degrees or more(inside or out), and should water it every 12 to 13 days in the fall or winter(inside), keep in mind that you should give the cactus 5-6 drops of food (fertilizer) each water. you can buy the cactus food (fertilizer) at you local plant store.Cacti should be watered whenever the soil has dried out, if you water them to much they will get root rot. When it comes to cacti its a good idea to water them sparingly than to much, they can thrive on small amounts of water but will die from to much water.

What is the thorns on the cactus for?

The cactus is one of the few plants found in the desert, and in order to survive it needs a massive amount of water. Since it does not rain all year round in a desert, cacti store water when it does rain. So the needles on the cactus protect their water-rich flesh from other things in the desert.

What time of year should you plant a cactus?

Summer due to amount of water evaporated by the cactus.

How much carbon does the surface of the ocean absorb from the atmosphere each year?

90 gigatons

How do Crocodile drink water?

They only have to drink 69 times a year

How often should you water a cycas palm plant?

Cactus only need to be fed once a year in the spring. Answer. Treat any cactus or succulent like any othe house plant in the summer and water and feed it normally. In the winter hold off the feed and water and only give some water when neccesary.

What does the sagurao eat?

The sagurao is a cactus, it doesn't eat anything. Does need some water, although only about 8 to 10 inches a year

How does the hoodia cactus survive Kalahari desert?

'drinks' the little water the kalahari provides during the year (can be up to one meter high)

When can the barrel cactus be seen?

A barrel cactus can be seen any season of the year, particularly in the Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts.

How do stems store food and water?

If you know what a cactus you'll know it but if you don't know some plants really store food and water in their stems and did you know I am just a 10 year old