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60 billion gallons

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Q: How much water is reabsorbed by the large intestine each day?
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If body secretes about 7 liters of water into the alimentary canal each day what percentage of this water gets reabsorbed?

90% is reabsorbed

What happens in each of the two intestines of the digestive system?

in the small intestine it absorbs nutrients for your blood. an in the large intestine it absorbs water.

What large intestine and small intestine are the same?

Um, you only have one of each, and they are not the same...

What quadrant of the abdomin is the large intestine found in?

Portions of the large intestine are found in all four quadrants of the abdomen. Because of its path of travel, each quadrant has a piece.

Which part of digestive system largely absorb water?

The large intestine, also called the colon. It is possible to live without it, going through 3 surgeries (you also have the option to only get the first surgery) and having an ileostomy/colostomy. When you don't have a colon, it is a good idea to drink at least 64 oz. of water each day, to keep from dehydration, as it is very easy to get dehydrated without a colon.

How many large intestine do you have?

Last time I counted, we each had just the one large intestine. It measures about 5ft (1.5m). The primary sections of the large intestine are the caecum and and the colon.

What are each organ of the digestive system?

Esophagus, stomach, pancreas, small intestine, rectum, large intestine, gallbladder and liver. I think that was everything :)

Why is Bile released in to the small intestines?

The Liver produces bile which is stored in the Gllbladder. As your stomach and intestines digest food, your Gallbladder releases bile through a tube called the common bile duct. The duct connects your Gallbladder and liver to your small intestine. After bile enters and passes down the small intestine, about 90% of bile salts are reabsorbed into the bloodstream through the wall of the lower small intestine. The liver extracts these bile salts from the blood and resecretes them back into the bile. Bile salts go through this cycle about 10 to 12 times a day. Each time, small amounts of bile salts escape absorption and reach the large intestine, where they are broken down by bacteria. Some bile salts are reabsorbed in the large intestine. The rest are excreted in the stool.

How long does it take for the food to go from the big intestine to the small intestine?

Maybe I misunderstand your question, but... ... as the small and large intestine are joined to each other (exit small intestine and enter the large intestine), the food moves between the two almost instantaneously.

The function of the large intestine is to absorb?

The function of the large intestine is to allow for small amount of absorption but mostly for removal of wastes from the body after absorption and digestion in the small intestine. Each section of the large intestine - cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum and anal canal all have specific purposes.

Increases the surface area of the small intestine?

The "villi" of the intestines increase the surface area dramatically. Each villus is basically a loop of the intestine wall. The polyps that are often found in the large intestine exhibit similar structure.

What organ is between the small and large intestine?

There isn't really any organ between the small and the large intestines, which are directly connected to each other.