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Cant really say how much you will lose depends on the person ( i no sounds lame but its true) but probably after the first week about 5-15 pounds a week. but when its all lost don't eat a ton slowly start to eat more or your body will be used to the 200 cals and it will come back fast

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Q: How much weight will you lose if you eat 200 500 calories per day and don't exercise so much?
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Can you lose weight if you do not eat your daily calories?

With exercise, yes.

What should you do to lose the weight?

Less calories in, more exercise out.

How many calories should you eat per day if you exercise and want to lose weight?

1500 calories

How do you lose wait fast?

If you mean "weight", eat less calories and exercise.

Do you need to burn all your calories to lose weight?

Your body needs calories to survive. To lose weight, cut your daily intake of calories by 500 and exercise for an hour 5-6 days a week. Ingesting more calories will not help you lose weight.

How can you be on a low carb diet and exercise everyday and not lose weight?

The true way to lose weight is to watch what you eat. If you do that even before excercising you will notice weight loss. 80% of weight loss contributes to eating well and only 20% to exercise. If you exercise religiously but eat poorly you will never get anywhere.

How much weight will lose with soup a day?

It won't help you lose weight, only to make your diet healthier. Exercise does that. Raw celery is negative calories and can help you lose weight.

What should be the norm for calories in food to lose weight?

Easy, dont eat!..

What can a 12 yr old do to lose weight?

Exercise a lot and reduce calories. It really does work!

How can i cut calories to lose weight?

The best way to cut calories to lose weight is to pay attention to the nutritional labels on everything you eat, including ingredients in meals. When trying to lose weight, it's important to also increase exercise as well. Reduce calories to around 1500 a day.

How do you lose weight if you can't throw up your food?

Exercise and eat healthy. Eat fewer calories, exercise more. Burn more calories than you consume. DO NOT throw up to lose weight. You will cause serious physical and psychological damage to yourself.

What does exercise burns?

Carbohydrates (carbs). Lipids (fats) are an example of carbs, and, when you burn them, you lose weight.