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Well you will lose a good amount of weight it depends if you are used to drink soda all the time because it is full of sugar and flavourings which are bad for the health and make you fatter.

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11y ago
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13y ago

I assume your saying you would stop drinking it because of the calories it contains. You would have to make sure you don't consume the same amount of calories by drinking lemonade or some other drink to replace your soda. Losing weight is all about tracking calories.

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15y ago

Well, assuming you don't compensate by eating more calories elsewhere, the formula: ((number of cokes not consumed)*(number of calories in each coke))/(3200, number of calories in a pound of fat), would give you the answer. So in theory, if someone who typically drank a 20oz coke with lunch every day instead drank water and ate the same quantity of food otherwise, in a year, 365 days, they would lose ((365 cokes not consumed)*250 calories)/(3200) = 28.5 pounds lost

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11y ago

If by coke you mean cocaine, then it might distract you from eating to the point of weight loss. But becoming addicted to an illegal drug is probably worse than being fat.

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15y ago

Each pound of fat in your body equals about 3500 calories.

So, say you drink 1 can of soda a day, which is about 140-150 calories. Just not drinking that one soda a day would help you lose a little over 1 pound a month.

Although it doesn't seem like much, it really does add up. GAINING 1 pound a month will make you 12 pounds heavier by this time next year!

A lot of factors contribute to weight, but decreasing the amount of caloric drinks will really add up. A lot of Americans are drinking pop 2-3 times a day.

Do the calculations yourself. Just multiple the number of drinks you have times the number of calories in each drink (you can find that on the nutrition label). Take 3500 and divide it by that number.

Say you drink 3 12 oz drinks each with 150 calories. That is 3*150, or 450 calories per day you are getting without getting any nutrients at all. If you divide 3500/450, the answer comes out to about 8. That means after about 8 days you will have had a pound less calories!

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No supplement or meal replacement drinks can make you lose weight, only cutting down on calories does that, the only thing that really makes u lose weight would probably be steroids but we all know how bad for us that's stuff is, I suggest you find out how much calories you really need in a day (2000 calories is for an "average" person and I am yet to meet one) then make sure you are eating less than that, so that your body uses up the fat to make up for the lack of food energy, yes i recognize its not easy but its the healthiest way. good luck