

How much weight you gain just eating cereapl?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Depends how much you eat. If you're eating over the recommended calorie-allowance for your height/age/gender then you'll put on weight. If you're eating below it, then you'll lose weight.

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it depends if you want healthy gain or not if you dont care if it is healthy eat a bunch of junkfood and stuff like that if youo want a healthy weight gain i suggest just eating healthy foods your bound to gain something

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You are over weight and you just found out you are pregnant you were wondering if you stopped eating junk and started only eating healthy food would you lose your own weight and just gain the baby wei?

well stopping completely on junk food randomly is not good for you. just cut back. if u start eating way healtheir and working out the best you can then most lilkely u will lose your weight and maybe some of that baby weight to