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The remains will be some few pounds

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Q: How much will a eighty five pound dog ashes weigh after cremation?
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How much will a 36 kilo dog weigh after cremation?

It depends if you had the cremation done private ( where he/she wilk get cremated on their own but if not they cremate about 5 dogs a time where you dont get your whole dog back he will be mixed with others and will weigh just under a pound. When you get your dog back from a private cremation it will weigh a pound or two

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On average, the ashes of a cremated person weigh about nine pounds.

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They both weigh a pound. Which means the weigh the same

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No, they should weigh the same.

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A scale can weigh either one, and it can also weigh a pound of feathers.

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They both weigh the same as both of them originally weigh-in at a pound

What does the average persons ashes weigh?

The average weight of cremated human remains, also known as ashes or cremains, is around 5-7 pounds for an adult. This weight can vary depending on factors such as the person's size and bone density.

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A pound.