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Q: How much would a English Mastiff be full breed a with papers?
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What breed of dog is the heaviest in the world?

That would be the English Mastiff weighing +200 lbs!

Which dog breed did John D Johnson collect the best specimens of for breeding so that it would not become extinct like its ancestor the English Mastiff?

American Bulldog

What is an ideal big dog breed?

An ideal big dog breed is an English mastiff. It is very friendly around little children, or perhaps anybody. Now if you want somebody to guard your house or anything I would get a Shephard or a rotwelleir

Will an English Mastiff beat a German Shepard in a fight?

The German Shepherd would win almost every time it would very easily outmaneuver the English mastiff and get a bite on the back of its neck which it would hold until the English Mastiff was killed or until the fight was hopefully broken up.

Neapolitan mastiff or pit bull?

I like Pit bulls better, but they tend to fight alot. Really, i would choose the mastiff, but you have to realize this is a big breed.

Is a mastiff bigger than a great dane?

The biggest dog (and breed of dog) in terms of mass is the English Mastiff, with Zorba the OEM taking the crown. From the U.K., Zorba weighed in at 343 lbs and measured almost 8 feet long from nose to tail. English Mastiffs are considered the biggest dogs as they are usually the heaviest dogs with weights over 200 lbs. not uncommon Great Dane are usually taller than a Mastiff, but the Mastiff can be heavier and generally mores stocky.

Will breeding an English Mastiff with an English Bulldog give a purebred Bull-mastiff puppy?

First of all, that is sick to breed your dogs. Dogs are for people to enjoy and not to breed and make puppies. That is almost like puppy mills (which is disgusting and cruel.) You will not get a purebred bull-mastiff puppy. You ahouldn't want a purebred just get a mutt they are probably more loveable. I think that onl,y wanting a purebred is very selfish. The dog will be just like the dog in the dog shows. TOOOOO PERFECT!!! GET A CUTE DOG THAT IS NOT PUREBRED THEY ARE JUST AS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Answer 2:I'm fairly sure the puppies would not be purebred bullmastiffs. The bullmastiff breed originated by breeding "bulldog" type dogs together until it resulted in a breed of dog which look very similar to each other and whose puppies can be predicted to look and act very similar their parents, not by breeding purebred English mastiffs and purebred English bulldogs together. The result of breeding an English bulldog and an English mastiff together would just result in a "mutt" type bulldog.

Who is the wold's biggest dog?

The tallest individual dog, Gibson, a Great Dane measuring almost 3½ feet. The 'biggest' breed is the Old English Mastiff, able to weigh over 325 pounds. THIS IS ALL WRONG CLIFFORD IS THE BIGGEST DOG OUT THERE LOL

Why English mastiffs bite?

yes English mastiffs are great guard dogs, they breed of dogs came from Britain and they were used for protection dogs against intruders and that's how they get there origin and instincts to protect

Is it a good idea to breed bull and neo mastiffs?

I would say a neo mastiff just because there more setteled down. from alex

What is better a cane corso mastiff or a neo mastiff?

Neo is a great dog but a very unhealthy breed and as such, expensive to own. Corso on average is quite healthy. As such, Corso would be a better option, but to each their own.

Is English mastiff and rott mix a good breed?

If you want a very large dog, then a Mastiff/ Rottweiler mix would be great! Both the Mastiff and Rottweiler breeds are prone to develop bone and joint conditions that can be the result of poor diet or the result of genetics. You should read up on both breeds and become familiar with these possible conditions, to decide if you would be able to care for a large animal that could develop painful mobility issues.