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Q: How much would it cost to build a multipurpose field?
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How much does it cost to build a football field?

The new Giants stadium-previously known as New Meadowlands Stadium- price ranges between $1.6 and $1.68 billion dollars. It has since been thought to be one of the most expensive stadium constructions of the year 2013.

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free 99 free 99

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$7 million (in 1920)

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elenty billion dollars

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It would cost about $129,269.71.

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It would cost approximately $500 million to build a replica Titanic in 2016.

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it would cost you around $100,000.

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how much would it cost to build a 30 person driving range? That must be the dumbest answer I have ever heard

How much would a field cost?

a lot

How much does it cost to build a Christian building?

The same as it would cost to build a non-Christian building. It depends on what is being built.