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Leopard geckos are insectivores, they are ground dwellers and they come from the desert. In captivity, there are many different things you can use to replicate a natural environment for a leopard gecko. A couple of different options can include:

Tank/terrarium : A minimal of 10 gallons of space is required for each adult leopard gecko. A zoo med, exo terra, hybousa, all living things, tupper wear tubs or even a fish aquarium will work. The set up must be secure because although leopard geckos cannot stick to glass, they are great climbers and can easily find a way out of the setup if there is no lid.

Heating/lighting : Leopard geckos require an ambient temperature ranging from 75-80 F and a basking spot up to 95-98F. In most cases a 40W bulb is sufficient. be sure to purchase a thermometer to ensure heat is regulated. These animals are nocturnal and do not require UVB lighting. They do not require a night light either. If you are able to maintain an ambient temperature of 75-80, in most cases a heating mat is not required. There has been many cases where a leopard gecko recieves severe burns due to laying on the mat directly.

Substrates/bedding/accessories : Throughout the keeping of leopard geckos, most care sheets advise keepers to use calcium sand as a substrate, although this has been made for ground dwelling reptiles, it is not easily digestable. When a leo feeds, there is a high chance of recieving a mouthfull of sand, after an extended period of time, the leo's digestive track can become clogged up, this is called "impaction". Most hobbyist's reccomend using tiles, paper towels, reptile carpet to reduce impaction. Accessories within the tank can include fake leaves, rocks, branches and small bush's/ferns.

Purchasing these items new can cost up to $300 including the animal. Purchasing these items used can cost up to $200 including the animal.

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lots of people keep there leopard geckos in tubs. I'm going to get two leopard geckos for my birthday and I'm going to get one proper glass vivarium and one plastic tub. I do think that it depends how many geckos you are going to get. if you are only getting one then i would buy a glass vivarium. if you are getting 1+ then i recommend a few plastic tubs.

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NOOOOO!!!!! That is a big no no the iguarna will kill or eat the gecko!!

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Green anoles require more humidity than leopard geckos do, which means a nightly misting is required. A Leopard gecko requires a standing bowl of water. Both require heating, regular feedings, weekly tank change etc.. It's a matter of personal preference and opinion but leopard geckos are very easy to keep.

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Leopard geckos cannot live with panther geckos. Even though care for both are generally the same, there are some huge differences between the two. Leopard geckos are usually between 7 and 10 inches long (some almost a foot), and panthers are 4-6 (or occasionally up to 8) inches long. This size difference alone could do it. The Leopard geckos would pick on the panther geckos. Also, the climate of the two needs to be very different. Panther geckos live in southern Madagascar naturally, while Leopard geckos live in Afghanistan and neighboring countries. Panther geckos need higher humidity levels than Leopards, and lower temperatures. Together, either the leopard gecko, or the panther gecko, will suffer, if not both. Please, don't keep these two creatures together. It won't work out well.

How do you get your leopard geckos tail fat?

if you keep feeding you leopard gecko like i do he will store part of the food he eats in his tail.So the only way you can get it fat is to feed him/her.

How long do wild leopard geckos live?

On average, the leopard gecko will live 5-10 years in the wild due to predators but in captivity, the oldest recorded leopard gecko lived to be 27 years old. Youtube "dink the leopard gecko"

Can leapord geckos eat baby food?

Fruit baby food is acceptable. However, be warned that some geckos will get snotty and refuse to eat anything else. It is a good idea to mix in some supplement powder specially made for leopard geckos to keep your pet healthy.

What is a reptile that people keep as pets?

geckos can be kept in tanks/vivariums, depending if the have a hut as they are nocturnal. they eat mealworms and insects smaller than a geckos head, they appreciate small spaces. although the tank must have a heater and lighter, as these creatures are from pakistan and india, geckos are adapted to small enviroments. hope this helped! ;)

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If you got her from a pet store with other geckos and all you need is one male. she can lay the eggs when she wants if the male did it

Can you take a leopard gecko form Sacramento to Tahoe If so how?

Yes, you can. Leopard geckos are legal in both California and Nevada. They like to be kept warm, a warm sunny day they will be fine for the short trip. If you are traveling in the winter, keep the little guy warm.