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There is very little maintenance needed for a violin: IF it is in good condition when you purchase, and IF it is taken care of as to storage and everyday handlling. Strings do not have to be replaced that often if you use high quality.

how clumsy are you? i mean i dont remember dropping my violin, i polish it after i use it, expensive (you dont need to but its better) rosin regularly. methylated spirits or something ive heard are good for cleaning if its really dirty but dont use it often. if you leave rosin dust on the strings and body then it can be absorbed and reduce the sound quality. but really it depends on how much youre bothered about your violin. if its cheap, fairly temporary and used for lower grades then does it really matter but if it cost thousands id be very careful!

Most strings should be changed once every 6 months depending on how much you play. If you make sure you wipe off excess rosin from strings and body of violin you will not need to polish it/clean it. Also i find tipping a bit of UNCOOKED rice into the f holes then turning them round and tipping them out again gets a lot of the dust out from inside your violin. YOu'd be surprised how much is in there.

You can clean your violin as well.

To clean the body of the instrument, you can use a soft cloth and a cleaner like pledge.

To clean the strings and the fingerboard you can use rubbing alcohol but be very very careful not to get this on the body of your instrument as it can damage it. Q-tips are usually best for this.

if you wipe your violin with a soft cloth before you put it away everytime it will help cut down on the build up you experience as well.

If you take care of your violin, the cost wouldn't be that much, maybe around $50-$60 for new strings and rosin. If you damage your violin though, it can cost way more. Depending on where the damage is and how extensive it is, the cost to repair it can vary.

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not that much, i had mine done for $37

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