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a thing does not get a term obese by their weight its considered to be a specific ratio between weight and height.

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Q: How much would you weight if your obese?
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How can you tell if your son is obese?

The best way to tell if your son is obese is to weigh him and compare his weight to average weights, which can be found on the Internet. Though weights vary, if your son is obese, his weight will be much higher than the average weights.

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How can you be Obece?

If you mean obese, you can be obese when you are extremely over weight.

Can obese people weight lift?

Yes, Just not as much as people that are in good shape can.

Can you die from losing 20 pounds in a week?

Unless you are super morbiddly obese, it is EXTREMLY dangerous to lose that much weight in a week. I'm not sure if you would die, but you would definatly become very sick. It is nearly imposible that someone who ISN"T morbidly obese would lose that much weight in a week anyway. It is healthiest to try to lose 1-2.5 pounds a week if you are overweight.

How do I get my doctor to prescribe phentermine?

Since phentermine is for weight loss in obese persons, you would need to be obese. If you are, simply talk to your doctor about phentermine and see if he would be willing to prescribe it.

What type of milk is good for a obese adult?

If you are obese and trying to lose weight then skim milk would be the best choice due to the fact that there is no fat in it.

Why is it bad to eat burgers?

Eating too much burgers can make you gain weight and get obese.

How much should a 12 year old boy weigh at 65 inches?

My guess Would be 170 -180 would be obese for his height. possibly 135-145 is a good weight

What weight is considered obese for a twelve year old with a height of 5'?

The normal weight for a person 5" tall should be between 97-123 lbs. Overweight would be about 128-148 lbs. Obese would be about 153-199 lbs.

Can animals get fat?

Yes if you feed a pet to much then that pet can become obese... However if you feed them food that is good for them then they might not become obese. If your animal is obese then you should think about feeding them diet food to decrease their weight.

WHere can I learn more about obese weight loss?

To learn more information about obese weight loss. I would recommend speaking with a dietician. I also found a very useful website. It provides information about making heathlier food choices.