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Nitrogen is generally obtained by a industrial plant that takes in air from the atmosphere, and separates it from the oxygen.

Hydrogen is generally obtained from an industrial plant that takes in a hydrocarbon and water and splits it from the hydrocarbon and water. It makes a byproduct of CO2. It may be obtained from water alone by passing an electrical current through water and splitting it from the oxygen. This is a more well known method, but very uncommon.

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Q: How nitrogen and hydrogen is obtained?
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What gas is formed when hydrogen reacts with nitrogen?

After this reaction ammonia (NH3) is obtained.

What is the chemical formula when nitrogen gas reacts with hydrogen gas?

Nitrogen and hydrogen react to form ammonia. This is the reaction in the Haber process, in which the gases are mixed at high pressure and moderately high temperature and passed over an iron catalyst.

How can you get Oxygen Hydrogen Nitrogen Carbon Phosphorus and Sulfur as pure elements?

You can obtain oxygen by separating it from air through processes like fractional distillation. Hydrogen can be obtained through the electrolysis of water. Nitrogen can be obtained by fractional distillation of liquid air. Carbon can be obtained from sources like coal or graphite. Phosphorus can be obtained from phosphate rock through chemical processing. Sulfur can be obtained from sources like natural gas or from the refining of petroleum products.

What chemical form is nitrogen obtained by plants?

Nitrogen is obtained by the plants in the mineral form.

What is Nitrogen and hydrogen compound?

Ammonia (NH3) is a compound formed by the combination of nitrogen and hydrogen. It is a colorless gas with a pungent odor and is commonly used in household cleaning products and fertilizers.

What are the four elements most common in organisms?

Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen

What is the usual state of hydrogen and nitrogen?

the usual state of both hydrogen and nitrogen are gas.

What is the chemical formula for hydrogen and nitrogen?

The chemical formula for hydrogen is H2 and for nitrogen is N2.

What elements are in nitrogen hydride?

Nitrogen hydride, also known as ammonia (NH3), contains nitrogen and hydrogen elements. It consists of one nitrogen atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms.

What describes the bond between nitrogen and hydrogen?

Polar covalent bond between nitrogen and hydrogen atoms Polar covalent bond between nitrogen and hydrogen atoms.

What four elements make up 96 percent of living organisms?

The four elements that make up 96 percent of living organisms are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. These elements are essential for building biological molecules such as proteins, DNA, and carbohydrates that form the fundamental structure of living organisms.

Which is heavier hydrogen or nitrogen?

Nitrogen is heavier than hydrogen. The atomic weight of nitrogen (N) is around 14 g/mol, while the atomic weight of hydrogen (H) is around 1 g/mol.