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Q: How nitrogen from living organisms return back to the air?
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How does nitrogen get from organisms back into the atmosphere?

Nitrogen used by plants and animals is returned to the atmosphere by the action of bacteria. Bacteria break down proteins to obtain energy, releasing nitrogen back into the air in the process.

What organisms return nitrogen back into the air?

The organisms that are involved in the movement of nitrogen between the air and soil and back to the air are plants and bacteria. When plants decompose they release nitrogen and bacteria fixes nitrogen back into the air.

What organisms are responsible for producing nitrogen compounds and what is this process called?

Decomposers are responsible for producing nitrogen compounds, This continual transfer of nitrogen from the non living part of the environment to the living part and back again is called the nitrogen cycle.

An animal return nitrogen to the environment when it?

When an Animal Dies, and Decomposes Nitrogen is Released, where Bacteria and Plants begin there work, you may want to research the Nitrogen Cyclean animal returns nitrogen to the environment when it urinates or decompeses or dies or decays

How organisms put nitrogen back into the ecosystem?

nitrogen fixation. look it up

Give two examples of how nitrogen cycles from the abiotic portion of the environment into living things and back?

when an animal urinates nitrogen returns to the water or soil,and when organisms die and decay,nitrogen returns to the soil and eventually to the atmosphere

How does nitrogen in dead organisms get released back into soil?

A dead organisms nitrogen rich compounds are taken in by decomposers or are released back into the environment. The compounds are either recycled again by soil micro-organisms or are converted by detrifying bacteria back into nitrogen gas.Answer this question…

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How do dead organism return inorganic back to the earth

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What is the role of decomposes in the nitrogen cycle?

Decomposers have a very important role in the nitrogen cycle. They convert nitrogen found in other organisms into ammonia so it can be returned to the soil. Some use a process called denitrification to return nitrogen directly to the atmosphere.

What do biogeochemichal cycles connect?

they cycle molecules through the inorganic to the organic reactive forms living organisms use. biogeochemical cycles pass from abiotic into the biotic and back. atmospheric nitrogen has a triple bond only certain bacteria can break to make nitrogen available in an organic form like ammonium. the nitryfying bacteria convert ammonia to nitrite. then during decay it is other dentrifying bacteria the return the nitrogen to the atmosphere to close the cycle.

What humans do to return nitrogen to the soil?

A number of things humans can do return nitrogen to the soil. but I'm betting the most common one is mowing their lawns. The decomposing grass clippings will put some nitrogen back into the soil.