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Not very normal at all, but the youngest mother in history was 5 years old. that was in 1939 in Peru

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Q: How normal is it to get your period when your 4?
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Is it normal to have a period for a year?

no, it is not. usually you'll have it for about 4-10 days.

Is it normal to have a menstrual cycle for a maximum of 4 days?

Yes, a normal period can last from 3 to 8 days.

What does it mean if you have started your period in the space of 2 weeks of your last period?

its just irregular, this is normal for the first years, up to 3 or even 4 years until your period cycle will become normal.

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Can you get your period in the last 4 days of the month?

Yes, it's perfectly normal.

You were on the pill for 4 years and you recently got off of it you had a period after you got off of it but this month you havent got one yet is that normal?

Yes this is normal. The period you had was the withdrawal bleed.

Is it normal to have a period for four weeks?

It's common for periods to be light and widely spaced when you first start them. Don't worry about it. Its totally normal.

Quit birth control now back on it and your period is 4 days late is that normal?

NO it is not

Is it normal that you have not had your period for over 4 months?

Because ovulating is a sign that you're about to start your period. I'm 13, I ovulate and I haven't gotten my period. Don't worry, it'll come soon. :D

How long does it take to start a normal period after misscarring?

Typically you'll get the next period in 4-6 weeks after a first trimester miscarriage.

Is it normal to get brown discharge 4 days before period in virgins?

Yes, it is completely normal to get brown discharge for four days before your period, this is spotting which is just light bleeding as your period starts. A virgin is absolutely no different to a non-virgin.

Is it normal to have your period for 3weeks?

No it is not normal.