

How not to scare your hamster?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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When first getting a hamster, you should give it a couple of days to adjust. You can start to get to know them by laying your hand in the cage with a treat on it. Your hamster will probably sniff your hand, and then grab the treat. If your hamster bites your hand, pull your hand out of the cage. Keep trying this for a couple of days and your hamster will begin to feel more comfortable around you!

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Can a flash kill a hamster?

No, but it might damage its eyes or scare the nuts out of them.

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the best way to introduce your hamster to handling is to let them come to your hand. if you were a hamster you wouldn't want to be grabbed! show that you are not a threat by putting your hand in the cage near the hamster without touching it and slowly moving it away from the hamster. this way your hamster is more likely to come to your hand. avoid quick movements as this will scare your hamster. when your hamster has had enough leave it or it wont come out when you are there. though it may take time, your hamster will gradualy get used to your hand and wont mind being held! i am in the process of taming my fourth hamster at the moment! hope i helped!

What do you do if your hamster throws up a lot of food?

Definitely take him to the vet as soon as possible. The same thing happened to my hamster and it was actually his intestines. He had to be put down. It may not be the same thing but he still needs to be checked out as soon as you can.

Is it better to get your hamster out on the day you get it or a few days later?

no dont get your hamster out for 2-3 days after you get it. you need to let it get used to its surroundings first or you will stress or scare it and it will be harder to tame! i have had 4 hamsters so i am experienced in handeling!

When you first get a dwarf robo hamster how long do you have to wait to hold them?

When I first got my Roborovski hamster, I held it as soon as I could. It was 6 weeks old and very friendly to me. Always hold it when sitting down, otherwise you will scare it.

Can a wild mouse squeeze into a hamster cage?

Yes it can if you don't have a cat around to scare it away. So if you have a problem with mice i sujest you to get a cat or use mosue traps. If you chose a cat then be careful because a cat might eat you hamster, but if you chose mouse traps make sure your hamster doesn't get out.

Is it good to have your hamster in your bedroom?

It doesn't matter where you keep your hamster as long as the environment is fairly quiet and warm. Since hamsters re awake at night, they usually go on their wheel,. Which sometimes is really squeaky and can wake you up, plus they sometimes smell a bit so it is up to you where you keep your hamster. Just make sure there are no loud sudden noises which could scare your hamster.

If hamster get scare when there baby is born do the hamsters eat there baby?

I shouldn't think so. They only eat their babies if their is another scent on them. E.G. if you touch a hamster baby before around 4-5 weeks then the mother will resent the scent and eat the baby.

What is the best hamster breed for a child first time owner?

get one called a silky- they last about 2 years and you can do anything with them- hamsters do bite so beware don't scare it also another great breed of hamster for beginers is a teddy bear hamster they are quite cuddly and are not to fast...