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Q: How often are nerves damaged during prostae removal?
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How long will it take to get an erection after prostate cancer surgery if the nerves are damaged?

If the nerves are damaged it may not be possible to get an erection naturally

How do nerves get damaged?

Nerves can get damaged due to physical injuries that directly impact the nerves, due to infection by pathogens such as meningococcal bacteria or poliovirus, or due to exposure to poisons such as mercury.

What does it mean when your tastebuds are not working?

the nerves are damaged

Could a back injury cause infertility problems in a man if it has damaged the nerves in the spine?

No as the nerves in the spine have not link to sperm production. It may how ever cause impotence as the nerves in the coccyx link to the nerves in your penis and if damaged and take away your ability to have an erection

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What will be damaged if too much light enters the eye?

Optic nerves

How does Poliomyelitis affect the baby?

It depends on what part of the central nervous system it affects. It can lead to the inability to walk if the lower spinal nerves are damaged, to the inability to move or even breathe if the upper spinal nerves are damaged.

Why do hair cuts do not hurt?

Pain comes from your nerves being damaged in some way. Your hair does not have any nerves in it, so cutting it doesn't hurt.

What happens to the nerves when they are damaged?

messages to the brain will be canceled and your body won't work right.

Which cranial nerve if damaged causes inability to see close?

III. Oculomotor Nerves

How many parts of human body have no pain upon removal from body?

The brain. It has no nerves!

What is neuralgia?

Neuralgia is a sharp pain that affects nerves, whether it be individual nerves or a group of nerves. Neuralgia is a special type of pain in that it occurs without the stimulation of a pain receptor. How does the pain occur? When the nerve or nerves it's affecting are irritated or damaged.