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Q: How often are you required to get an emissions test in WA state?
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How often are you required to get an emissions test in Maryland?

every 2 years

Are there emissions tests in Florida?

Emissions testing is no longer required in Florida. It was once a yearly test of your vehicle at a state emissions facility and costed $10.00.

When is emmisions test needed?

An emissions test or smog test is required with your car registration in the state of California. It can be as frequent as every other year depending on the age of your vehicle.

How often are you required to get an emissions test in Virginia?

Not every county in Virginia require emission inspection but the counties that do it is every two years.

How often do you need an emissions test in Georgia?

once a year

When do cars become liable to the new emissions laws pls?

After one year, all new cars bought must pass the emissions test in counties that require the test. Once a vehicle is 25 years old, the emissions test is no longer required.

How often do you have to get a drive clean emissions test?

your vehicle must have an emissions test for registration renewal, beginning when it is five years old. If your vehicle requires an emissions test, you will receive a reminder as part of your vehicle licence renewal application

Can emissions test be done in different state than drivers license?


How often do you need to get your car emissions tested?

U.S. state laws control automobile emissions testing, so the rules are quite varied. The states also change their laws frequently and there may be different rules for cars of different ages. The best resource for this information would be the official Web site of the state of interest. The requirement could be every year or every two or three. In some states older cars are required to be tested more frequently. Much of the time a test is required with any ownership change. Usually, any more, modern cars are exempt from emissions testing on the grounds that their design and onboard emissions control systems prevents them from producing excessive emissions.

Is your vehicle required to get an emissions test if registered in Milwaukee, WI?

Yes, according to the Wisconsin Department of transportation website.

What is the cut off year for emissions test on vehicles?

A vehicle 25 years old or older is exempt from emissions testing in the state of Connecticut, USA.

What are some laws and regulations that have been passed to reduce air pollution?

Your vehicle must pass an emissions test when required.