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Q: How often can a mouse have a litter?
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How many babies are in a mouse litter?

There are about 1-18 mice in a mouse litter.

How many babies can a mouse have?

a mouse can have up to 5 to 7 babies in a litter

Is it safe to use cat litter in a pet mouse cage to control urine odor?

There are a few cat litter products that can be used in a pet mouse cage to control odor. However, there are some types of litter that are deadly to the mouse. It is better to use a paper based bedding for a pet mouse.

If you have two mouse litters should you keep the older litter away from the younger litter?

It is best. The older might hurt the younger litter.

Your mouse just had her first litter with only one baby why would this happen?

Simply because it was her first litter. It is likely that if she has a second litter, she'll have more.

How many babies can a Arizona Pocket Mouse have?

The average litter size for an Arizona Pocket mouse is 3-5 pups.

How often does the first cats litter survive?

With proper care the litter survives, if you are not sure, take your cat and its litter to the Veterinarian.

If I have a boy and girl mouse from the same litter will they mate?

Yes they can... but there is even some chances that they don't....

How many pups can a mother mouse have in one litter?

3-14. Mine only had 3 :-/

Will a doe mouse adopt a litter not originally hers?

No, she will eat them. Even if her own litter is 'tainted' with another scent this may happen, such as not covering your own scent with the smell of the bedding\ substrate before handling the young litter.

What is rubbish called when its scattered?

Scattered rubbish is often referred to as litter.

Another name for baby mouse?

Pinkys. Pinkies as they are pink, furless and "naked" when born, or litter for alot of tiny baby mice. They can be called pinkies when they are still naked and pink, but the proper term is 'Mouse pups.' Baby mice are never called litters, a litter is a term used for all the babies born at once time, regardless of their size."This adult mouse and that adult mouse are both from snowball's first litter. That newborn pup is from Snowball's second litter.""My mouse had another litter of pinkies last night.""Snowball's pups aren't pinkies anymore, they are getting their fur and I can see their colors now."