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In Nevada, you can get summoned for jury duty as often as every 18 months to every three years, or so. However, you are not required to serve if you have served within 2 years prior from the date of being summoned. It becomes your responsibility to prove you had served within that 2 years, with the exact date and place (city, state, name of the court) of service, preferably with the attendance letter or the check stub you received from the service.

Nevada has a "One Day, One Trial jury system." Which means that, if you had attended "appeared" for a jury summons, you are considered to have "served" whether or not if you had actually served on a trial.

It's always a good practice to keep any, or all of your documents that you receive from your service for at least 2 years (in some states, even longer) to be able to verify your excuse.

Federal Courts use random selections from voter registration. Clark County and the State of Nevada uses a system where is randomly chosen from DMV records and Nevada Energy bills. This means that you can get summoned by any of these courts at any time, so again, it would be a good practice to hold on to your service documents.

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