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Q: How often did children attend school in 1850s?
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Where were the other Ewell children on the day of the crime to kill a mockingbird?

The other Ewell children were at school on the day of the crime in "To Kill a Mockingbird." The Ewell family's lifestyle and circumstances were such that while the children were supposed to attend school, they often did not regularly attend.

What do State legal codes often require children to do?

Obey their parents, get their appropriate vaccinations and attend school.

What was one reason that children did not often attend school?

they were busy praying to Satan Lucifer the all mighty Gods ruling everything everywhere

What was punishment for children in the 1850s?

Children in the 1850s were more than likely to be raised under the principle of corporal punishment. Children were expected to behave like little adults, and often had to help support their families. There were no large child welfare organizations, and children were very much at the mercy of their parents, caretakers, bosses and teachers.

Can a school teacher give a homeless child homework?

Yes they can and often do. Many homeless children live in shelters, or in various locations with their parents and still attend school. Home is where the heart is not necessarily a place where you lay your head.

What school did Mozart go to?

Mozart didn't attend a school per se. He received his musical education from his family, as was the norm for that period of time. Often children adopted the same or similar work that their parents had or were doing at the time of their birth.

Why don't the Ewell children got to school?

The Ewell children do not attend school regularly because they often have to prioritize responsibilities at home, such as taking care of their family or working to help provide for their basic needs. Additionally, the Ewell family faces socio-economic challenges that may make regular school attendance difficult for them.

Where did George Roger attend school?

Attending is an attitude which had better often be handled with the utilization of belt and braces by school

What were children like in the 1500's?

they often had poor hygiene, depending on their parents financial situation. most chldren didnt attend school and were given a job as soon as they were old enough to toddle around.

What happens at Religion School in preparation for the bar mitzvah?

Jewish children attend Sunday School and Hebrew School. The teachers, cantors, and rabbis for their special days. Clarification: Sunday school is more of a US thing. In other countries classes are often held after school. During these classes the children learn more about Judaism, the significance of a bar/bat mitzvah, practice their Torah portion and prayers.

Why were girls often kept home from school?

Until recently girls weren't considered smart enough to go to school. Still, in some countries girls are not allowed to attend school. Some parents today also use older girls to babysit the younger children in the family.

How can I Kendon Elementary School affect a child's self-esteem?

Kendon Elementary School can positively impact a child's self-esteem by promoting a supportive and inclusive environment, offering opportunities for academic and personal growth, and encouraging a sense of belonging and achievement. Teachers and staff can provide encouragement, praise, and guidance to help students build confidence in their abilities and develop a positive self-image.