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it really depends on the animal and their diet, eating a poor meal can make them sick. thruth be told they should only get sick once in a while and if they are getting sick more then that i would take them into a vet. I would also recommend fluffing the pet, this helps when it is feeling ill.

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12y ago
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15y ago

a rat i dunno so fockin shut up. im better than u nd i got a bettter life than you. yh yh yh yh yh yh yh yh yh i know i stop complaining. bye idioits

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11y ago

dirty habitat=mudskipper appearance=midwife toad health=any tiny-breed new born

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Q: How often do animals get sick?
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Sick Animals was created in 1970.

Is pupy mills wrong?

Yes. Puppy mills abuse animals and often sell sick and animals with inherited disorders. They are out for the money and not to care for the animal.

How many sick days do zoologist get?

Depending on what type of "sickness" you have you won't be able to work with animals, which means until you get better. If sick too often you could get fired or laid off, animals need their care too.

How often do animals in captivity get sick?

often because they might be overfed and the germs that come when whe snese in zoos mean that the germs might travel

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People's Dispensary for Sick Animals was created in 1917.

Do all animals be sick?

no, rabbits cannot be sick

Can a pig be sick?

Yes all animals and plants get sick.

What kind of animals kills or consume young sick or small animals?

There are many different animals that kill and consume young, sick, or small animals. These kinds of animals are called predators.

What animal doesn't get sick?

Technically all animals can become sick. However, some animals have such remarkable immune systems that they almost never become sick and are sometimes discussed as an animal that "cannot" become sick. Labeling an animal as one that cannot become sick is really overzealous as they are just highly unlikely to become sick and not actually 100% immune to everything, just most things (and possibly everything) in their natural habitat. If they were however exposed to something from outside their normal environment, it would be possible for them to be sick. Animals often referred to as not being able to get sick are: The Hippo The American alligator Komodo Dragons These are animals which spend a lot of time in and around filthy water and often ingest decaying or rotten food. The build up to their immune system makes them virtually invulnerable to anything in their native area, but they can still get sick if taken out of that habitat and exposed to new germs

When you save sick animals on tap zoo do you get the money for it?

Yes, only when you heal other players sick animals though.

Did the animals on Noah's ark get sick?


What is the action of rabbit when they have sick?

Rabbits often sleeps when they are sick.