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Q: How often do wolf female go in heat?
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How often do female rats go into heat?

For female animals, they go in heat about every 6 months.

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most female goes go into heat every 7-8 months

How long and how often are chocolate labs in heat?

Dogs usually go into heat twice a year, although some individual dogs will go into heat more or less often. Typically, a female will remain in heat for about three weeks, although she will only bleed for the week to a week and a half.

Does a female go out of heat if pregnant?

Yes, a female no longer goes into heat if they are pregnant.

How do you know when a female is in heat?

I was told by my vet that they don't usually go into heat, it depends if you have a female on her own. I have a female Russian dwarf and she lives on her own and the vet said she wont go into heat.

Is a wolf mating similar to that of a human?

No because wolves don't go in bed and have puppies and also the male wolf goes on top of the female and the male wolf starts to go up and down while the female wolf stays still like nothing happened. Hope That Helped!

How often does a female dog go into heat and does the heat diminish with age?

every 6 to 12 months unless fixed if fixed no more heat and maybe depending on breed age may diminish it

How often do dogs have periods?

Female dogs go into heat usually once a year. Sometimes they can go twice, in the fall and spring.

Do syarin female hamsters go throughheat?

Every female hamster goes into heat. She often sets off a foul odor - sort of a way to let any male hamsters around her know that shes 'in heat and ready to mate'. P

Do the female cats still go in heat whilst pregnant?

Female cats should not go in heat when they're pregnant because it may harm the fetus.

When does a female pup go into her first heat?

Many go into heat aroung 8-12 months.

When do female Newfoundland dogs go into heat?

I have a female Newfoundland and she just went into heat right at 6 months old.