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Q: How often do you change a tarantulas cage?
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Do tarantulas live alone or in groups?

Tarantulas live alone. At a VERY young age they live together, and there are some tarantulas that seem to be able to live harmoniously with other tarantulas, BUT NEVER KEEP PET TARANTULAS TOGETHER IN THE SAME CAGE. In most cases, they are guaranteed cannibals.

How often do you have to change your guinea pigs cage?

Once a week.

Can you put two or more tarantulas in the same tank?

To tarantulas cannot live in the same cage together. If you put two together they will fight and one will die.

How often do you have to change the water in a ferrets cage?

Change your ferrets water at least once daily

How do you look after a tranachala?

Get a cage that is specifically made for tarantulas and feed it 2 crickets every 6 hours. Do not put two tarantulas in the same area because they will become competitive and fight.

Are tarantulas edible?

Yes, they are eaten often too.

What are young tarantulas called?

Young tarantulas, like any young Spiders, are referred to as spiderlings. This often shortened by hobbyists t "slings".

Do tarantulas live in groups?

I don't know about Arizona, but in Lindale, Texas in the early 1980's there was a procession of them going across the road. You had to wait for them to cross.

How often you change hamster bedding?

Depends on how many hamsters & the size of the cage. The smaller the cage & the more in one cage, the more often it needs to be cleaned. Use natural products, rinse & air dry! They HATE a dirty cage!

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Are there Scottish tarantulas?

Tarantulas are not native to Scotland.

Do tarantulas have nipples?

No. Tarantulas are not mammals they are arachnids