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I fill mine every 2 weeks but that has no relation to how often you fill yours. That is directly related to how much you drive.

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Q: How often do you have to fill your gas tank in a week?
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Related questions

How many times does the average person fill their gas tank?

a week

How much does it cost to fill a gas tank in a van?

The cost to fill a gas tank in a van will depend on the rice of gas. The higher the price of gas, the more it will cost to fill the gas tank. You will need to know how many gallons it takes to fill the tank and the price per gallon of fuel. You do the math.

What is a filling tank?

you fill gas in it

How can I tell how much gas my car used this past week?

In your owner's manual, check capacity of your car's tank. Fill it up completely full. Every time you need to refill your tank that week, record how many gallons you added. At the end of your week, fill your tank once more and add all the gallons you fueled together.

Why can't I fill up gas tank when still empty?

I do not understan your question. You cannot fill up an empty gas tank? Is that what you are saying?

Why can't i fill my gas tank on my 01 sienna?

If it seems as though you cannot get the tank to fill completely on an 01 Sienna, it is likely that your gas gauge is not working properly. You are probably actually getting the tank full of gas.

How much would it cost to fill a 4.1 gal gas tank with todays gas rates?

At about $3.10 per gallon, it will cost $12.75 to fill the tank.

How does water get in your gas tank?

Bad fuel fill.

How much money would fill a 1993 Honda civics gas tank?

It depends on gas prices and how much gas you have in your tank.

What do you call the hole in a car that you put gas in?

Fill Spout. When filling your tank with gas, you will need to open your gas tank, unscrew and remove your gas cap, remove the nozzle from the pump and put it in the fill spout.

How does gas get to the reserve tank in a Honda 2005 ATV?

When you fill it up gas flows to the reserve tank first and then flows into the main tank.

How do you fill the gas tank on a 2000 bug?

you open the gas tank lid, take off the cap and insert the gas