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Twice a year is the frequency with which compost fertilizer is used on potted plants. Dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic matter called compost or humus may be applied at the beginning of a plant's growing season and at the end. That tends to translate into a sprinkling of compost, at a ratio of no more than 0.25 or 0.50 to 1 of fertilizer to potting mix, in early spring and in early to late fall, depending upon the potted plant.

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14y ago

Only a few times a year, more in the spring and summer. In the winter it isn't really needed.

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Q: How often do you use compost fertilizer on a potted plant?
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What is decaying plant and animal material in the soil?

Decaying plant and animal matter in the soil are pretty much fertilizer. Once organic matter decomposes it essentially becomes compost. Compost is rich in nutrients and will promote very healthy plant growth.

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The best type of fertilizer is decomposing plant material, so apples can be used as fertilizer if there is enough of them. A better type of fertilizer would include animal dung or compost.

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Humus (Not hummus the dip), compost, or fertilizer. Those are words for decayed plant and animal material.

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Organic Fertilizer is usally compost w/e worms and bacteria that produce waste products, in which inrich the soil. The roots of the plant suck in the nutriens from the wastes and it inriches the plant in growth.

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These are compost bins, which are used to ferment life waste or other waste into organic waste (also called organic fertilizer). With few months fermentation, you can use crushing machine to crush these raw materials into small pieces, which can be directly applied into soil as an organic fertilizer. Of course, these compost bins are often used in home-made composting. In large farmers or some large fertilizer factory, they often use compost turners to ferment these waste.Advantages of compost turner(Azeus Fertilizer Machinery):1. Compost turner can shorten fermentation time from traditional fermentation about 45 days to 7-10 days with composting equipment.2. Fermentation is more uniform, because of high turning heap and strong ability of windrow turners, which can turn materials all-around.3. Processing capacity of such a compost turner, with one worker, is about 1000-3000 m 3/hour, which is labor-saving.

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The best way to improve soil for gardening is to use compost. Plants need food and it is better to use compost than fertilizer as long as the compost is aged and the right type for the plant. Test your soil and know what you need.

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Water, well draining soil or compost, soluble nutrients and fertilizer, sunlight, and for delicate plants - frost free.

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