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Every six months for two weeks on average.

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Q: How often does a dog go into heat and how long does it last?
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Your dog is in heat for the first time how long will it last?

My dachuand was in heat for 2 weeks.

How long does a female dog's cycle or heat last?

A dog's heat cycle is 3 weeks. It does not matter what breed or size of dog it is, they all have the same length for their heat, which is 3 weeks.

How long is Dog in heat?

Usually heat cycles last for around two weeks. Every dog is different so it may be longer.

How long does a heat last?

Depends on the dog. THere are three stages in heat. The each last 3 - 7 days, so that means it last 9 - 21 In fact heat lasts ages even for ever.

How long willyour Sharpei dog be in heat?

If the female dog has a normal heat cycle, it last 21 days.

How long does a female dog in season last?

The female dogs come in to season or heat twice a year. Each season last fiive to 10 days.

How many days is a female dog in heat?

A dogs heat in a period may or may not last very long. It depends. About minimum 15 days. Maximum, about 25 to 30 days. It may even last a month

How soon after having puppies can a dog go into heat?

A dog will go into heat approximately 4 to 6 months after having puppies, based approximately 6 months after her last heat cycle. When she goes into heat again will depend on how often she goes into heat per year. Most dogs go into heat twice per year, or every 6 months.

How long should bleeding occur during season?

Spotting varies with each dog but typically last three to five days. The heat can last up to three weeks.

What breed of dog can handle being out in the heat?

I personally think that no dog should be left out in the heat for long periods of time....

How long before a female dog will go into heat again if she just had a litter?

Females go into heat every five to nine months. So five to nine months after her last heat she will go into heat. The litter should not affect her next heat cycle.

How often do berniese mountain dogs get in heat?

This varies dog-to-dog - average is every six months but it could be more or less often.